أخوكم ملاذ ابومحمد خبرة 11 سنة بتوصيل المعلومة

أخوكم ملاذ ابومحمد خبرة 11 سنة بتوصيل المعلومة
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Why Using an Epoxy Coating Product لماذا نستخدم الإيبوكسي

Benefits of Using an Epoxy Coating Product

Epoxy coatings are hard-wearing and durable solutions for home-use, or for commercial and industrial flooring. These floor coatings can be applied over concrete floors to provide a high performance, attractive surface. Epoxy coatings can be used in your basement or garage, or for a wide variety of commercial and industrial buildings-including industrial manufacturing plants, commercial facilities, warehouses, pharmaceutical manufacturing buildings, food and beverage plants, laboratories, and more. Wherever you need an attractive, long-lasting, environmentally friendly flooring option, epoxy is a great choice.

Resinous Coating Advantages

Using a seamless epoxy over your concrete floors will create a high gloss, hard wearing, and durable surface. These floor coatings offer a number of benefits and advantages from the initial installation stages to the long-term maintenance steps. For example, epoxy floor coatings are quick to install and are durable and easy to clean. Because of the many advantages that epoxy paint offers, this is an ideal flooring solution for many types of situations.

The following are some of the main advantages associated with choosing an epoxy floor coating for your home, or for a commercial or industrial building. Your new floor coating will: • Create an easy to clean, seamless surface: Epoxy products dry to become durable, seamless surfaces that can easily be wiped free of dirt, dust, and debris. Because of this ability for easy cleaning, our epoxy floor coating services are ideal for food, beverage, and pharmaceutical preparation and packaging plants. • Result in a hard-wearing and durable surface: Epoxy floor coating products turn concrete floors into a seamless and durable, high performance surface that will last for years to come. • Provide an attractive flooring surface: Epoxy floor coatings dry to a high gloss shine, and are available in a variety of different colors and styles. You can chose to use one solid color or create a decorative pattern using several colors in order to create an attractive and durable flooring solution. Another way to add to the attractiveness of your flooring is to add flecks of color to epoxy paint before it dries.

This will create a highly decorative effect, and will hide the inherent imperfections in concrete when applying an epoxy finish to your garage floor, for example. The attractiveness of basement floors can also be greatly increased by the application of epoxy. There are many ways to use epoxy creatively. A designer epoxy floor can appear metallic or marbleized, depending on the effect you want to create, providing a beautiful and highly functional surface. People have creatively used epoxy in truly beautiful ways to transform drab concrete floors into wonderfully unique features of their homes-for instance, applying clear epoxy coating over a floor covered in smooth river stones, or over shiny pennies.

• Become a chemically resistant surface: Epoxy is a chemically resistant flooring option for manufacturing plants, warehouses, and industrial plants.

• Improve safety: Epoxy products can improve safety by creating a slip, impact, heat, and fire resistant flooring solution. These high gloss coatings can also improve brightness in a work area by 300%. Granules can be added to epoxy paint to create a sandpaper-like surface which provides extra traction on garage floors in snowy or rainy weather, giving your vehicle's tires the extra grip they need to prevent dangerous slips and skids.

• Allow for designated traffic and work zones: You can use different colors of your epoxy floor coating products simultaneously to define safety zones, forklift traffic zones, and other work zones.

• Increase productivity capabilities: Using resinous flooring in a factory, warehouse, or industrial plant can reduce wear on transport vehicles, allow for faster material movement, and prevent wear and damage to the floor.

• Offer an environmentally friendly flooring solution: Epoxy is an environmentally friendly flooring solution for companies interested in choosing "green" alternatives and building materials. Epoxy flooring is a green option for your home use, too, because it is so durable and prevents wear and damage to your floor or garage. Recycling is good for the environment, but, when possible, taking care of what you already have so you don't need to replace it is even better for the environment. Plus epoxy flooring is so easy to clean, oil drips, coolant leaks, spilled antifreeze or any other environmentally hazardous materials that can collect on a garage floor can easily be wiped away and safely disposed of before they get outside as runoff.

• Allow for quick and easy application: Epoxy floors are self-leveling products. This allows either experienced professionals or do-it-yourself homeowners to apply a epoxy quickly over any new or old concrete floor. Applying epoxy is as easy as applying paint-and requires the same amount of proper prep-work. Once your concrete floor is thoroughly clean and prepped, the epoxy can be applied, dried, and ready to park your car on after a single weekend. The epoxy will provide an attractive surface that has you feeling like you're parking your car in a showroom every time you come home, year after year.

• Offer a cost efficient flooring solution: Epoxy floor installation provides an affordable flooring solution. The durable and hard wearing surface that results from epoxy floor coatings will last for years to come with little to no need for maintenance or up keep costs.

NJ Epoxy Flooring

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Janet_Defr/1967906

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8670767