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أخوكم ملاذ ابومحمد خبرة 11 سنة بتوصيل المعلومة
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epoxy make iron repair a piece of cake الإيبوكسي اللاصقة للحام الحديد

epoxy make iron repair a piece of cake
 الإيبوكسي اللاصقة للحام الحديد

Fixing a crack in your metal door can seem like a much bigger job than simply filling a hole in a wooden door. Metal repair is actually possible, although many amateur repairmen avoid it. One of the simplest methods for smaller fixes is metal repair epoxy; this epoxy will make your cast iron repair a piece of cake.

Most epoxies are not affected by heat, water, or humidity, and thus they are quite dependable when drying. Metal repairing epoxies save you from having to scrap metal objects just because they have a crack in them. Many sheets of metals, bearings, and other metal parts can tend to crack under pressure or with time, with and with a little metal epoxy, you'll be able to save yourself from having to buy a whole new unit in no time.

The first stages of drying should only take a few minutes. Between 5-15 minutes after application, the epoxy should become very hard, so you should mold it into the desired shape beforehand. If you've applied the epoxy properly, it should become very rigid and strong and even be able to take the same pressures as the metal unit it's in.

One of the great things about repairing with epoxies is that it is not affected by Oil, Gas, Water or other chemicals. They can be used for repairing leaking water tanks, sealing bath tubs, or repairing washing machines. Metal epoxies can even work on non metal material such as rubber, ceramic, and even tennis shoes.

When applying epoxy to a metal surface, be sure clear the area of repair from any debris or dirt. Depending on the type of epoxy you're using, you may want to smooth out the metal to get rid of any protrusions. If the epoxy needs to mixed, be sure to follow the instructions from the manufacturer closely. Next apply the epoxy gently to the surface of the metal; you should be sure that you apply enough so that the crack or hole is completely filled. Mold and smooth into the desired shape, be sure there are no mounds of epoxy protruding out of the surface. After the epoxy has dried, you may want to paint it with a poly-urethane top coat.

Magic epoxy steel is by far one of the most popular epoxies used to repair metal. It dries at the same rate as normal epoxies, but has amazing strength and sturdiness. With many fillers you'd have to add multiple thin layers to fill in a large crack, but with magic epoxy steel, you can but as thick of a coat as you need and it will dry just fine. After application, you can sand it, thread it, or drill it only a few hours after applying.

Another great metal repair epoxy is Bond-It. This substance is odorless and will not stick to your fingers. Easy to apply and will set in minutes. The Bond-It epoxy actually contains aluminum metal inside of it to create a fast setting epoxy. It's also easily applicable to all types of surfaces, whether it's glass, plastic, metal or cement.

If you need more information on Epoxy Putty [http://newepoxyputty.com/2010/02/the-world-of-epoxy-putty/] or perhaps a Epoxy Glue [http://newepoxyputty.com/2010/02/epoxy-glue-and-its-many-uses/] stop by and check us out today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3750985